Mntambo Clan Names History and Origin

Mntambo is a name widely used among Xhosa people and many studies have focused on their culture, identity and origins – however comparatively little research has been undertaken into their toponymy. This article seeks to examine selected Xhosa toponyms from Mbembesi area of Matabeleland. These toponyms often derive from clans who established communities there. Mntambo…

Mngoma Clan Names History and Origin

Mngoma refers to healers or spiritual guides. Many consider their services a calling from their ancestors, often manifested through restless dreams, visions or encounters with dead spirits. Sangomas are trained herbalists and traditional counsellors/therapists. Many undergo training through the Ubungoma method – being mentored/apprenticed by another practising sangoma who acts as their teacher/mentor. Mngoma Clan…

Mncwango Clan Names History and Origin

Mncwango is one of the 42,841 most frequently occurring surnames worldwide and most frequently seen in South Africa. Clan names have long been an integral part of African tribes, helping preserve culture and heritage while honouring ancestors across multiple families. Clan names aren’t surnames – rather they serve to honour our ancestors through multiple generations…

Mkhatshwa Clan Names History and Origin

Mkhatshwa clan names can be found throughout South Africa. It is also a prevalent surname and may also be written as: After being defeated by Shaka, Zwide kaLanga and his generals fled northward and established several kingdoms including Gaza Kingdom in modern-day Mozambique. Their generals used an age-regiments system which included making vassal sub-chiefs from…

Mbonambi Clan Names History and Origin

The Mbonambi Clan can be found throughout Africa with most individuals living in South Africa. Mbonambi is an African name which symbolizes realistic goals and expectations. Their lucky gemstone, aquamarine, promotes soothing and comforting energy within their community. Mbonambi Clan Names Zulu Clan Names South Africans tend to identify with their clans and surnames. Clan…