Dludla Clan Names History and Origin

Dludla is the 811,192nd most prevalent surname globally and can be found predominantly in Africa; specifically South Bantu Africa where 99 percent of those bearing this surname reside. Clan names and surnames are part of African culture that serve to identify ancestry connections. Most children in African communities take their paternal clan names when taking…

Chiliza Clan Names History and Origin

People living in many African communities identify themselves with their paternal clans. This practice honors both ancestors while giving individuals a way to identify with themselves authentically. Deciphering clan names and their meaning can be challenging. Errors in writing, changes made voluntarily by bearers or modifications due to language differences can all play a part…

Sibanyoni Clan Names History and Origin

Historical records can provide a window into your family history, providing insights into birth dates and locations, occupations and death dates of your ancestors as well as uncovering more intriguing details such as sibanyoni clan names more prevalent in particular countries or territories around the globe. Sibanyoni Clan Names Sibanyoni Clan Origin Globalization has meant…

Shangase Clan Names – History and Origin

Shangase clan names, commonly referred to as izithakazelo, serve to showcase the heritage and lineage of each family within it, while simultaneously contributing significantly to their identity. This research investigates the historical roots, genealogy and onomastics of personal praise names among Western, Eastern and Southern African Kintu speaking peoples using interviews and questionnaires as methods….

Hlongwane Clan Names History and Origin

As soon as King Mgazi Maseko died, Ngcamane almost disintegrated, prompting King Somhlolo to offer laMbombotsi for marriage in order to form his alliance with Mgazi’s successor and keep Ngcamane together. So he proposed laMbombotsi be Mgazi’s mother so as to maintain close ties between King Somhlolo and Maseko kings heirs and themselves. Mkhumbeni supported…