Izithakazelo zakwa Cebekhulu Clan Names History and Origin

The Zulu nation is proud, with their clan names known as izithakazelo being celebrated across their homeland. This article will examine their source.

Saveya hails from the Ngwinjini House. He currently resides in Matatiela near Swartberg and Kokshill where the Ndobe tribe once existed, conducting extensive research into its history.

Cebekhulu Clan Names

Cebekhulu Clan Names and Praises

  • Cebekhulu kaMavuso!
  • Ndwandwe ongaweli ngezibuko, owela ngezinsingo zengwenya!
  • Nyawo zikaPhunga noMageba!
  • Nina bakwaDlabazane!
  • Abatshwala busemazulwini, obuphuza baphakame bame ngezinyawo!
  • AbakwaNdebele ongaziyo uyoze alal’ emini!
  • Nina bakaNdwandwe elihle elingahlulwa zingwazi!
  • Nina bakaMntwana weSilo!


Raymond Mhlaba began his political life through the trade union movement. A committed member of both CPSA and ANC throughout adulthood, his nurturing nature earned him the name Oom Ray; upon leaving Healdtown secondary school due to financial issues he went to work at a dry-cleaning factory where his kind nature made him one of its leaders for Non-European Laundry Workers Union.

African culture encourages its people to identify with clans and use clan names as part of their surnames to form more cohesive communities and feel a stronger sense of belonging, while simultaneously being able to recognize each other and understand shared histories. Because globalization has increased this practice further still, African surnames can often be found amongst peoples around the globe.

Mhlaba was born in Mazoka village of the Fort Beaufort district of South Africa. This village sits amidst contested territory between Xhosa and Baviaans following their war of dispossession in 1819, leaving no man’s land between these groups after that conflict ended.

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Mhlaba served on both the ANC National Executive and SACP Central Committee during its campaign for democracy during which time he put out feelers with apartheid government for negotiations; following democratic elections he became premier of Eastern Cape province which included Transkei and Ciskei homelands that included impoverishment as well.


Ngwinjini is the clan name for people who are known for their commitment to family, friends and community, along with their strong work ethic and ability to persevere through tough times. Their strong resolve makes them ideal partners for anyone searching for someone with strong determination.

The Ngwinjini clan can be traced all the way back to Africa’s pre-Columbian period. Their history can be found through African folktales and clan names; both play an integral part in understanding a person’s culture and identity. Clan names provide greater insight into a tribe or peoples development over time.

These days, Ngwinjini’s clan is based in Matatiela in Swartberg but have also spread to Kokshill in Eastern Cape allowing easier communication amongst members and more chance to build strong relationships between individuals.

Ngwinjini clan members often identify with an owl as their totem animal, representing wisdom, insight and clarity of thought. People associated with this totem tend to see light at the end of a tunnel and possess excellent attention to detail as well as empathy towards those they care about, which prompts them to take an active approach when solving problems. Numerology indicates that those named Ngwinjini should try their best to avoid dates ending with numbers like 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 as these dates are thought to bring bad luck.

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This clan name is part of the Ndobe family and closely related to Siwa. Many members, such as Raymond Mhlaba and Govan Mbeki, were known for taking part in the independence struggle during that period; others are renowned business people in South Africa today.

Pungela House is a large household composed of many diverse individuals from across the nation. Their clan name stands for unity and solidarity among their members; all members must act collectively when experiencing happiness or distress, sharing common goals of overcoming challenges together.

Clan names are of great importance to African people as they mark their lineage and ancestry, providing pride, belonging, and contributing to African culture.

This clan’s totem animal is the baboon, representing good fortune in life and peace to a homestead when this animal visits. They show respect for this creature by not harming or harassing it and should it make frequent appearances in their household they will consult a sangoma to understand its intentions.

In addition to baboons, the Pungela clan is associated with various symbols. Tuesday and December in particular are seen as being conducive to goal setting and planning activities, while Topaz gemstone is believed to help promote clarity of intent as well as promote responsible decision-making practices.


Cebekhulu is the name of an extrovert who enjoys being around people. They thrive on creating community spirit and are highly conscientious. Logical and analytical in their approach, these personality types excel at problem-solving. Additionally, their high emotional intelligence enables them to read moods accurately while they can also express affection toward loved ones with ease.

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Zulu clans are an integral part of their culture, and Zulus are immensely proud to boast about them (referred to as izithakazelo). Therefore, many members of the Zulu nation attach their clan names with their surnames for added sense of identity and belongingness.

The Zulu nation includes numerous clans known collectively as uSibekhulu (“big brother” in Zulu). One such clan, named after a stream that flows into Umfolozi River, is called the “uSibekhulu.” Their roots go back to Nguni or African origins of AmaZulu with Luzumane as their progenitor.

His son Malandela gave rise to Qwabe and Zulu tribes founded their respective territories; while their totem animal is baboon which they revere to worshipping it to this day; any family members seeing one must notify a sangoma to explain its meaning while making sure one is available when seeing one as soon as possible!

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