Hlongwane Clan Names History and Origin

As soon as King Mgazi Maseko died, Ngcamane almost disintegrated, prompting King Somhlolo to offer laMbombotsi for marriage in order to form his alliance with Mgazi’s successor and keep Ngcamane together. So he proposed laMbombotsi be Mgazi’s mother so as to maintain close ties between King Somhlolo and Maseko kings heirs and themselves.

Mkhumbeni supported his brother in their fight for amaNgwane’s legacy until they reached the area now known as Bulwer or Bergville – thanks to Mkhumbeni, Zikhali House still flourishes today!

Hlongwane Clan Names

  1. Hlongwane
  2. Khondlo
  3. Maphitha
  4. Mzizi
  5. Mageza
  6. Ngwane
  7. Mlotshwa
  8. Nyawo
  9. Nyathikazi
  10. Mahlase

Mbizela kaNdungunya

Mbizela kaNdungunya founded the Ndabezitha clan which can be found throughout South Africa. He was also father to Cetshwayo KaCetshwayo (1834-1913) and Dinuzulu KaCetshwayo (1913-1933). This name represents heritage, pride, and belonging to the Zulu nation.

Modern globalization has allowed people to travel and live in various countries while keeping their ancestral names alive, leading them to keep the Hlongwane clan name consistent across different places across the world. People bearing this surname tend to possess an adventurous spirit while possessing sensitive, perceptive abilities with acute awareness that make them great leaders and innovators.

Mkhumbeni was an indispensable partner to iNkosi Matiwane in his battle against British rule in Mbolompo (now Bergville). He remains an inspiring example to all amaNgwane people today and rests peacefully at Bulwer, Swaziland.

Hlongwane clan names symbolize cunning and self-discipline, reflecting individuals with this name who possess intelligence and are committed to succeeding. People bearing these names tend to be flexible adaptors who never give up; ambitious people with these names tend to go the extra mile for their goals, known as sensitive perceptive individuals who make great business deals.


Mkhumbeni was one of Matiwane’s loyal soldiers that went into battle at Mbolompo with him, fighting courageously and bravely to ensure amaNgwane survived – his importance being immortalized in our family name of Skomolo. We as a family will forever remain grateful to him for his service to isizwe samaNgwane as well as efforts he put forth towards protecting King Matiwane’s heir and throne. We thank him forevermore and are forever indebent to him!

Once they had returned from Mbolompo, Matiwane and some of his remaining soldiers began returning to Bulwer or Bergville where they lived. When news reached them that Dingane had assassinated Shaka and taken control of the Zulu Kingdom, Matiwane became inflamed with anger at this development and decided that all should return quickly to Mpondo Kingdom to raise an army and fight Dingane so as to regain it for themselves.

Some of his remaining soldiers took offense at this decision and revolted, leading to the death of Ndamase and Mqikela’s succession as King Faku’s heir. This caused Mpondoland to split between two royal palaces under leadership of each leader; Eastern Mpondoland under Ndamase and Western Mpondoland led by Mqikela and Faku respectively.


Historical records offer incredible insight into the lives of your ancestors. They can show what your family members did for a living, where they lived and where their gravesites are located. You may also gain more information regarding birth, death certificates and immigration documents in these records.

Zikhali was the son of Matiwane and Nomlalati. A formidable warrior and leader, Zikhali is widely acclaimed for regaining his father’s kraal from other chiefs. Later he married Nomlalati daughter of King Sobhuza and fathered numerous offspring.

Zikhali saw this time as an opportunity to show his resilience by building a school in this area despite being surrounded by dense thorn bushes, creating an improved learning experience for his young learners. He managed to clear it all away for better teaching conditions at his institution.

With every year that passed, Zikhali became wiser and older. His wisdom and experience enabled him to see the big picture more clearly, making him a skilled negotiator and leading to strong alliances between other leaders of Mkhumbeni clan as well as with King Sobhuza. These bonds made Zikhali an excellent candidate to lead Mkhumbeni in future.


Hlongwane is one of South Africa’s 1,348,199th most frequent family names and stands as an epithet of smartness, self-discipline, and being unafraid to attempt new things in pursuit of accomplishments. A powerful name like this one also brings pride, heritage, and belonging with it.

History of the Anyii people dates back to the 17th century when Akan tribes left Ghana and settled Cote dIvoire, creating the Anyii Dwabene kingdom. Cultural Migration: A Short History of Nkrankwanta and Anyii Dwabene delves deeper into these courageous individuals’ lives who sought adventure over servitude.

As with many Akan tribes, the Anyii follow matrilineal traditions for lineage identification and accession to power; this means they determine their primary lineage through maternal lines of descent and are part of Kwa group of Niger-Congo languages, speaking Twi and Fante which are two closely related dialects.

Linguists and anthropologists remain divided on which dialect is the authentic Akan language. Most scholars agree with Twi as being Akan while some argue Fante should be classified separately; both dialects share many grammatical features that make them related and share many features that define them.

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