Izithakazelo Zakwa Hlubi Clan Names History and Origin

Amahlubi peoples boast an enviable heritage, boasting centuries-old histories filled with esteemed Traditional Leaders and Chiefs who stood against British Rule in the 1800s. Proud of their history and heritage, amahlubi are an outspoken nation who never accepted British Rule as rule over them.

The Thembu clan is well known for their rich legacy, including Madiba – Nelson Mandela who also came from this clan.

Hlubi Clan Names

Hlubi Clan Names

  1. Hlubi
  2. Ntanzi
  3. Dlangamandla
  4. Mthimkhulu
  5. Nondaba
  6. Bhungane
  7. Nondela
  8. Mahlase
  9. Sibiya
  10. Ndlela

Hlubi Clan Origin

The Hlubi clan hails from South Africa. Renowned for their expertise in medicine and rainmaking, they also possess warrior characteristics. Legend has it that this name originated with Ncobo a woman killer with an offspring named Mahlubi who was saved by Hadebe who took her as his wife and gave her amaHlubi as their clan name.

AmaHlubi became very powerful, exerting immense influence in other regions such as Eastern Cape and Free State. Unfortunately, their kingdom was demolished by colonial invaders at the end of nineteenth century, but members still exist today in other nations in South Africa.

Though some historians disagree, it is generally accepted that Hlubi ruled AmaZulu before their defeat by English forces at the end of the nineteenth century. Langalibalele, their last King was even honored alongside other historical figures like King Cetshwayo and Adam Tas.

AmaHlubi are currently organized into various clan groups, such as Mpembe, Mthimkhulu II, Ndlovu, Msalela, Ndlona and Ngqengqele. Each of these clan groups can further be subdivided into branches or regions such as Mntwini, Joyi, Ngcinga Zola Ngoba Hlale – providing a wealth of diversity throughout their culture throughout the country.

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Langalibalele had long caused colonial authorities a great deal of difficulty. When ordered to register the weapons his young men had obtained during diamond diggings, he initially delayed and then outright refused. Sir Benjamin Pine, newly appointed Lieutenant-Governor, promised that this Hlubi leader would come under his sway.

To achieve his goal, he organized a three-pronged police operation with military support: Captains Allison and Barter were to capture Champagne Castle and Giants Castle passes in northern Drakensberg while Major Durnford would prevent Langalibalele’s escape through Bushman’s River Pass into Lesotho.

But it was doomed from the outset; amaHlubi were heavily armed, while soldiers newly returned from Boer war were untrained and poorly equipped – leading to a bloody skirmish which claimed five British officers and approximately 80 baSotho levies’ lives; today climbers will recognize these names: Erskine, Bond Potterill Katana as memorials on Bushman’s River Pass commemorating this tragic event.

Durnford had intended for his forces to deploy in a thin line, hoping this would demonstrate to the amaHlubi just how many white men there were against them. Instead, bullets flew freely – as Trooper H Bucknall described, the sound of rifle fire was like hailstorm.

Mthimkhulu II

Mthimkhulu II served as Chief of amaHlubi during the 1870’s. He was born to Ncobo KaMashiya and Ntsele KaBhungane and bore the title “Bhungan’omhulukhulu.” As well as being known for making raindrops fall, Mthimkhulu had an outstanding reputation among many kingdoms for rainmaking and medicine-making skills.

He was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in, even during the 1880’s when diamond mining in Kimberley led to mass labour migration, with Hlubi men becoming mine workers and receiving payment instead in firearms instead of cash from mining companies – guns that they later took back home to Natal where they terrorised other African tribes, particularly in Griqualand West and Eastern Cape.

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AmaHlubi was one of the great kingdoms of southern Africa. Descended from eMbo people’s movement southward, they eventually settled along Caledon River before returning.

Hlubi communities can now be found all across South Africa with their own chieftains reporting directly to Estcourt Royal House. While they still maintain many traditional customs and celebrate culture and heritage, modern life has changed them as much as any other Nation. They remain proud members of society.


Early in African history it was common for weaker groups and nations to seek protection from larger/stronger ones in various ways – military alliances, marriage contracts or breaking away and joining another nation/group were just some of them. People joining such nations would pledge allegiance and respect to its leader before joining it themselves.

One such group was the Hlubi, who joined with the Zulu nation. To this day, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi remains as leader of this nation and acknowledges and respects their strong ties.

Hlubi tribe members are widely celebrated for their traditional dance, known as indlamu. Accompanied by traditional songs depicting Hlubi history and how they came to where they are today, this dance can be found across South Africa in different regions with all paying their allegiance to King Langalibalele II who resides in Estcourt in Natal.

Hlubi is an intriguing name with an intriguing origin story. Some speculate it was taken from a Hlubi princess who was the daughter of King Dlamini; other theories involve its use being taken from Mahlubi who was murdered by one of Ncobo’s rulers; her children took up her name after repudiating her killer and thus becoming part of an amaHlubi clan.

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