Izithakazelo Zakwa Kubheka Clan Names History and Origin

Kubheka is a surname that can be found all around the world due to mutations, errors in writing or other causes.

People with this designation are determined and do not budge from their goals, regardless of obstacles in the way. Furthermore, they honor all agreements made and promises made.

Kubheka Clan Names

Kubheka Clan Names

  1. Kubheka
  2. Zulu
  3. Buthelezi
  4. Mthethwa
  5. Ndlovu
  6. Khumalo
  7. Ntuli
  8. Mthembu
  9. Ngcobo
  10. Nxumalo
  11. Cele
  12. Dlamini
  13. Gumede
  14. Shabalala
  15. Zungu
  16. Mkhize
  17. Majozi
  18. Hlongwane
  19. Zwane
  20. Sithole


The Zulu are an ethnic group hailing from South Africa. Part of the Nguni tribes that also includes Xhosa and other groups, their culture has been passed down from generation to generation and includes clan names.

Zulu clans are social groups comprised of related family members living together in a homestead. Clan members share a common name and often possess one or more totem animals or plants believed to have an association with their ancestors and good luck.

Clans are led by a chief, usually the senior genealogical member of their clan group. Chiefs are responsible for fighting wars and making legal decisions; they may be assisted by headmen (induna).

Boys are inducted into the Zulu military at an early age through age sets and serve as regiments under King Shaka’s command. Women generally have domestic duties and often raise crops near the household on nearby land such as grains.

Should a couple want to marry someone from another clan, they must pay an ilobolo fee to their prospective father-in-law to cover costs associated with initiating ceremony initiation ceremony; this system was initiated under King Shaka who achieved great military success for his kingdom through improved tactics and organization of troops under his leadership.

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The Ndebele are an Nguni people from southern Africa. Their homeland lies between modern South Africa and Zimbabwe, though some Ndebele live further afield such as Botswana or Botswana. Also referred to as Matabele or amaNdebele by British explorers who first met them, the Ndebele now speak isiNdebele an Eastern Nguni language; before then being known by Britishers as Matebele.

Ndebele history begins with Mafana, son of Mhlanga. Mafana decided to leave his cousins in Zulu nation and found new land that later became the Ndebele nation; his descendants continued his legacy and took his name for themselves.

As soon as Mafana died, his two sons, Manala and Ndzundza fought over control of the tribe. It involved three major battles fought at MaSongololo (Zonkololo), between modern day Cullinan and Rayton; Wilge River; Olifants River. Finally the fight was settled by an old woman from Mnguni family who arbitrated between each of the brothers resulting in each having its own kingdom within Ndebele nation.

Manala would eventually settle in the town known today as eLundini. Here, Manala lived close to Jonono, the grandfather of King Ndebele. Oral tradition has it that Jonono was an extraordinary warrior who once consumed poisonous fruit without suffering any adverse reactions (known by locals as “ubuthi esiswini”).

Though many Ndebele have adopted Christianity since colonialism and missionary influence have made their mark, ancestral spirits continue to be honored through offerings such as food, drink or clothing as ways.


The Xhosa people are a large and varied clan-based people group renowned for their long and complex rituals. Living mainly as agriculturalists with livestock, and organized into patrilineal clans. Also renowned for long and complex religious ceremonies with revered rituals called uThixo or uQamata as its Supreme Being which can be approached through ancestral intermediaries.

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Xhosa women wear dresses paired with long aprons decorated with black bias binding. A variety of headdresses composed of various materials with differing colours may also be worn over their dresses and covered by isikhakha long cloaks, while their attire includes carrying an inxili bag or sling bag for transporting goods.

In the past, traditional Xhosa speakers mixed their Nguni with their Pedi languages when communicating; efforts have since been undertaken to maintain pure Ndebele languages that contain undiluted Ndebele pronunciation.

Xhosa men have long been adept at stick fighting, which they learned as children while herding cattle in the veld. This skill serves them both when herding cattle as well as to defend against predators.

Meanwhile, women of the tribe employ umchokozo, or face painting done using white or yellow ochre to decorate foreheads, noses, cheeks and patterns and dots painted onto faces. When meeting someone for the first time it is considered polite to inquire as to their clan name as this may also serve as an endearment.

When meeting someone for the first time it would be considered polite to inquire as soon as possible after greeting someone’s clan name rather than calling them by name when meeting someone for instance!


The Ngoni clan system differed significantly from that of other southern Bantu peoples. Households typically included not only patrilineage members, but also relatives through various kinship ties or indentured laborers or slaves attached to the family unit as indentured laborers or slaves.

Cattle were an integral component of most Ngoni economies ranging from complete dependence on herding to a combination of herding, pastoralism and crop cultivation; individuals often used their clan name when speaking or thanking people or when thanking gifts received; using it also showed social organization within their culture.

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Ngoni clan names have changed over time and mutation. This may be due to writing errors, voluntary changes by bearers or modifications for language reasons; nevertheless, some changes have been substantial.

Ngoni clans were spread throughout Southern Africa with many remaining in this area; however, some had made their way north into Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.

Nguni clans began as nomadic herders but eventually settled and flourished into dominant farming societies across southern Africa. Their migration was made easier due to favorable land and climate conditions. Ngoni herding economies included cattle, sheep, goats and even various horticultural crops as part of their economic systems.

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