Izithakazelo zakwa Mabuza Clan Names History and Origin

Mabuza is one of the most prevalent names in South Africa and clan praises, known as izithakazelo, are an integral part of African culture, helping individuals feel connected to their community by acknowledging their ancestry.

Mabuza first became well known through his support of Jacob Zuma before eventually being appointed deputy president by Cyril Ramaphosa as well as serving as Mpumalanga provincial premier in 2017.

Mabuza Clan Names

Mabuza Clan Names and Praises

  • Mabuza!
  • Gwaza kaMjoli!
  • Dlamini kaMndzebele!
  • Mhlaba lomile ungathelwa ngamanzi!
  • Nina bakaMkhulu, owamkhulukutheleyo!
  • Nina bakaGwaza, owagwaza indlovu bayidla!
  • Nina bakaMdladla, lowadladla ngesibhakela emazibukweni!
  • AbakwaNdlela zimhlophe!
  • AbakwaSobhuza, owahlab’ inkomo ngezibongo!


Swaziland, one of Africa’s last absolute monarchies, is home to approximately one million residents known as Swazis. The land consists of hills, mountains and rivers rich in natural resources such as coal and diamonds – home also to wildlife such as lions, elephants and rhinoceroses – while historically under British control from 1906 through the late ’40s it slowly drifted further away until 1973 when Sobhuza II suspended an unsuitable constitution and has continued being sole ruler ever since.

AC Myburgh noted in his 1949 book Tribes of Barberton District that those living on Esperado at Revolver Creek hailed from Swaziland, paying their ancestry homage to King Ingwenyama (lion) and Queen Mother LaZindze (She-Elephant). Furthermore, Swati is the dominant language and provides strong national identity that unifies this nation under King Mswati III.

Mabuza is a surname derived from Zulu clan names system, which honors and preserves heritage and traditions of Zulu people. Clan names also help distinguish an individual within his or her family group from one another. A surname may change for various reasons such as errors in writing, voluntary changes by its bearers or modifications due to language.

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Mozambique’s history is marked by numerous dynasties and kingdoms. When Portugal first arrived in Mozambique during the 15th century, they established trade links with India and other Asian regions; Arab trading “kingdoms” existed independently until Portuguese colonial power was fully entrenched during the 19th century; gold traders were most sought-after, though later ivory became its primary export commodity.

Clans are an integral component of Swazi society and each Swazi bears his father’s clan name as their surname. Women typically remain members of their paternal clans although many also adopt those of their husbands or wives. Each clan belongs to an “sibho”, or lineage group, with multiple descendent lines within it.

Not only were huts found on this koppie, but there was also an abundance of native plants such as bobbejaansterte (Xerophyta retinervis), wild dagga, mountain aloes (Aloe marlothii). Mabuza didn’t plant his garden but rather painted graphic depictions of shrubs and flowers directly onto rock faces as his garden.

Mabuza belonged to the Mdluli clan, known for their expertise in military intelligence. Their members served as army commanders and regional governors during pre-colonial times. Mabuza himself was widely known for his lavish lifestyle including wild parties and allegations that he took part in cash-in-transit heists; furthermore they used him as bully within their taxi business as well as leading an illegal rhino horn trade ring.

South Africa

South Africa is a democratic republic with an abundance of natural resources and one of the continent’s largest economies, boasting some of the highest education levels worldwide and being home to numerous ethnic groups. South Africa features some of the world’s most spectacular landscapes such as savannas, deserts, mountains and coastal plains – its history goes back more than 100,000 years with first inhabitants known as Khoisan and Khwe tribes before Bantu migration brought tribal hunter-gatherers from eastern Africa into southern Africa during what became known as Bantu expansion.

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Under Shaka, many Nguni clans in KwaZulu-Natal were forcibly integrated into the Zulu empire, one of several major kingdoms located across southern Africa at that time. Their rise caused other clans to flee in various directions across southern Africa.

Mabuza began his political journey through the Black Consciousness movement and teachers’ unions before joining the African National Congress (ANC), where he served as provincial chairperson. Reputable as a populist due to his extensive recruitment drive and commitment to rural advancement of party interests, Mabuza endorsed President Jacob Zuma for reelection prior to their 54th National Conference; however he did not win direct election and remains ex officio member of its National Executive Committee.


Zulu is spoken by people living in South African province of KwaZulu-Natal (formerly Zululand), where it has long been used as a language spoken among various tribes of Zululand. Under King Shaka’s military genius and influence, many smaller clans became united into an independent Zulu nation that is today still extant today.

Zulu culture is rich with tradition and ritual, characterized by strong familial bonds and community pride. Men play an essential role in maintaining this identity while polygyny is common; wife ranking systems typically form strict seniority hierarchy under an “great wife,” usually the mother of an heir.

Although they maintain their traditional sense of community, Zulu have become more individualistic as time has gone on, becoming less dependent on agriculture and livestock than they once were. Now most Zulu subsistence lifestyle consists of maize, beans and potatoes; along with hunting and fishing as sources of income.

See Also  Izithakazelo Zakwa Mfeka Clan Names History and Origin

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