Izithakazelo Zakwa Majola Clan Names History and Origin

Due to globalization, many surnames have spread far beyond their national origin. For instance, one can find people bearing the surname Majola across Europe and Oceania.

Clan names provide individuals with an identity; examples are the Nkwali, Bukula, Maphela and Mapela clans.

Majola Clan Names

Majola Clan Names (Iziduko/Izithakazelo)

  1. Majola
  2. Xhosa
  3. Mthethwa
  4. Ndlovu
  5. Khumalo
  6. Ntuli
  7. Mthembu
  8. Ngcobo
  9. Nxumalo
  10. Cele
  11. Dlamini
  12. Gumede
  13. Shabalala
  14. Zungu
  15. Mkhize
  16. Hlongwane
  17. Zwane
  18. Sithole
  19. Buthelezi
  20. Majozi


Nkwali is one of the oldest clan names in Zululand and its origin is still unclear, although it is thought that it originated with one or more chief families who settled there or may have been given to the village after his death. Today, however, Nkwali people are known as friendly and welcoming folk; well educated with an appreciation of nature; knowledgeable artisans proud to show off their craftsmanship; adept healers capable of producing rain; as well as skilled in healing techniques and rainmaking techniques.

The Nkwali clan is a very small one, yet relatively unknown among other clans in Mbembesi. They are believed to be descendants of Mthimkhulu who held high regard because he knew how to bring rain. He had both knowledge and wisdom when it came to treating illnesses as well.

Nkwali people tend to be quite reserved in sharing their emotions, especially when it comes to love. They need someone who will understand them and their needs before proceeding further with anything romantic. While protective of loved ones and often have a quiet demeanour, this clan name pairs nicely with first names starting with U, L or P but may clash with those beginning with O, Q and Y.

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Bakula is an exquisite and charming name with powerful meaning. Composed of six letters and believed to bring good fortune and positivity, its positive connotation makes it the ideal selection for anyone aspiring to succeed in life.

According to 2nd century Mahaprajnaparamitasastra chapter 36, Bhiksu Bakula lived during Buddha Vipasyin’s lifetime and enjoyed peace for ninety-one kalpas by offering haritaki fruit (li-lo). Additionally, his impurities were cleansed away, leading him to become an arhat.

Bukula stands out as an intriguing character due to her determination to leave her past behind her, especially with regard to her work as a lawyer. Yet even with this new career path in place, her old habits still very much exist and must be managed.

Bukula is most often found in The DR Congo; however, this surname can also be found across many nations around the globe. Due to globalization’s effects, people from one nation may use different last names when living abroad.


Maphela, one of the Thembu clans originating in Transkei region of South Africa, is widely known for their generosity and hospitality as well as for being fierce warriors – they helped King Cetshwayo capture British colonists during 1800s! Furthermore, there has been long history of conflict with other tribes within this area.

Clan names are more significant than surnames for identifying people’s source and it is customary to address people by their clan name when speaking with them etiquettely, hence why many South Africans refer to Mr Mandela Tata, which means father in isiXhosa language.

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Clans can often become fractured through disputes over kingship ascendancy, leading to new clans to form that are distinct from the original group. Splinters of this original clan, usually led by dissatisfied relatives of said original clan, usually emerge. When this occurs, their leader takes over leadership of this new group as their name becomes that of their clan’s new name.

Amampondomse people are known for splintering into multiple factions and kingdoms within their borders, leading them to wage numerous wars against other tribes in their region and become very wealthy through land ownership and trading activities.


Mapela Hill lies two kilometres east of the confluence of the Shashe and Shashani rivers in Zimbabwe’s lowveld, two kilometres due east. The hill’s flat top and steep cliffs end in ledges at various elevations; additionally it boasts rock tanks and cupules found throughout its area – leading archaeologists to speculate that Mapela may have served as an ancient centre of rainmaking.

Archaeological work at Mapela is instrumental to expanding perspectives on the development of complex societies in southern Africa. Ceramic and glass bead assemblages at this site demonstrate that its attributes of Zimbabwe culture emerged much earlier than K2 and Mapungubwe; class distinction and sacred leadership antedate these sites as well.

Anglo has recently relocated over 2200 graves in Mapela, causing much consternation among villagers and their families. Since Mapela reveres their ancestors, failing to properly lay them to rest may bring misfortune upon those still living today; protests were organized over this relocation move as several local ad hoc committees emerged representing this community.

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Protesters in Mapela claim traditional and formal political representatives have failed to represent their interests effectively, prompting local ad hoc committees to engage ActionAid and Richard Spoor Attorneys Inc for assistance. Furthermore, members of Mapela organized a meeting wherein their concerns regarding mining companies were voiced.

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