Izithakazelo zakwa Mbongo Clan Names History and Origin

Globalization has greatly expanded surname distribution; thus enabling people to find those bearing similar surnames even far away from where they originated due to writing errors, voluntary name changes by bearers or changes made for language considerations.

Mbongo (Zulu praise-singer). A political sycophant and yes-man of Chief.

Mbongo Clan Names

Mbongo Clan Names

  1. Mbongo
  2. Mthembu
  3. Mngomezulu
  4. Mthimkhulu
  5. Mthethwa
  6. Mabaso
  7. Mahlangu
  8. Mashinini

Mbongo Clan Origin

History shows us that surnames have often been altered or modified over time due to various circumstances – be they errors in writing or pronunciation, voluntary changes by bearers themselves or language changes over time.

Therefore it’s quite normal for families with the same clan name to reside in multiple nations around the globe.

Mbongo is one of three clans comprising South Africa’s Nguni (AmaXhosa) people in South Africa that make up their nation of AmaXhosa; AmaSwazi and AmaZulu being its other two components. Clans are groups of families who share an ancestor; when combined into tribes they create tribes which eventually combine into nations.

Mbongo first made its first recorded appearance in the Eastern Province Herald during the 1910s, where it has come to represent “a representative of the high and mighty or minor pooh-bah,” often with derisive overtones.

Mbongos, or praise singers, are frequently employed by chiefs and may also serve in political arenas as yes-men for high-and-mighty. Mbongos sing praise songs in praise of their leaders – often embarrassing them due to their tones or content.

Sometimes to great embarrassment from rank-and-file members of society. Due to Western culture influence, today Mbongo is often associated with immature individuals or naivete.

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Mbongo Clan Meaning

As time progresses, surnames often undergo mutation and change as a result of errors in writing, voluntary modifications by bearers, or for other reasons. Such variations are natural and give rise to new surnames that sound similar but carry different meaning.

As a result, individuals with the same surname can often be found throughout various nations of the world, sometimes even more so in those where there is greater concentration than usual.

Thus, it is not surprising for certain clan names to be more widespread in certain countries than others, even though their roots may be similar. Globalization also contributes to this expansion.

Because of this, it is common to find members from the same clan living elsewhere despite where they were born or their occupation.

Historical records can provide invaluable insight into your family, from birth certificates to death records. With them you can glean information about where your ancestors originated from and their daily lifestyle; even discovering what their interests and passions were as well as any connections they may have had to other individuals.

Mbongo Clan Variations

While colonialism and independence transformed Mongo culture dramatically, many traditional beliefs and practices still hold strong today.

Mongo people now work within a national economy with children attending public schools but still identify as members of a local community or ethnic group.

Maize and groundnut cultivation were some of the biggest changes, alongside traditional staples such as yams and bananas as staples of their diet.

Traditional Mongo society was patrilineal, with women holding a subordinate status within the household. Although economically integrated into their husbands’ families, they could not dispose of property without their spouses’ approval.

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Women were responsible for cooking, cleaning, child care and gathering wild plants and forest products for subsistence while men cleared land, planted bananas and other crops and hunted large game with bows and arrows, nets or long stabbing spears.

Village society was led by powerful “big-men,” or the so-called elders, who administered internal affairs for compounds and villages as well as arbitrating disputes between individuals or factions.

Big-men acquired power through wealth, prestige, kinship ties, seniority or seniority; young men learned from following in the footsteps of elders knowing they would inherit positions of authority themselves in time; women or minorities rarely achieved such status.

Mbongo Clan Etymology

Due to globalization, surnames have spread beyond their original regions and it is commonplace now to find people bearing the Mbongo surname in various nations around the globe. Some nations may even contain more Mbongo clan names than others.

Mbongo clan name’s origins remain unclear. However, it may have come from Zulu word ‘bongo’ which means to praise. This term often refers to praise singers in chief’s household known as mkhosisi or praise singer.

Other etymological sources have also been mentioned. 1911 E. Prov. Herald 12 Oct: “Both great and small pooh-bahs move around with Mbongos (Zulu praise-singers) following them with toadying praise singing, often leading to outbursts of toadying flattery from Mbongos who precede them and sing praise songs in Zulu before them with frequent bursts of toadying praise singing from Mbongos (Zulu praise-singers).”

The Mbongo clan can be found amongst South Africa’s abaThembu tribe, once ruling dynasty. This large family – comprising nobles and royalty as well as farmers, businessmen and laborers – was one of the ruling dynasties at one point.

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Notable members include Nelson Mandela who belonged to this powerful family as part of Thembu tribe membership; other prominent families included Nkwali tribe members including Ubukula Ukukhula Kunye NeMlabatheki amaHlubi amaHlubi who resided within Eastern Cape province; Maphela branch of Nkwali also originated within Eastern Cape Province similarity in this area where amaHlubi came from!

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