Izithakazelo Zakwa Mdlalose Clan Names History and Origin

Globalization has resulted in surnames being spread far beyond their nation of origin, especially African ones like Mdlalose clan name which is found frequently outside its native homeland.

Madzikane son of Khalimeshe ka Zulu was one of those to escape uMfecane wars in the 1800s.

Mdlalose Clan Names

Mdlalose Clan Names

  1. Mdlalose
  2. Zulu
  3. Buthelezi
  4. Mthethwa
  5. Ndlovu
  6. Khumalo
  7. Ntuli
  8. Mthembu
  9. Ngcobo
  10. Nxumalo
  11. Cele
  12. Dlamini
  13. Gumede
  14. Shabalala
  15. Zungu
  16. Mkhize
  17. Majozi
  18. Hlongwane
  19. Zwane
  20. Sithole


AmaLinda is a girl’s name that means “beloved and pretty.” It is derived from Latin and Spanish names Amelinda. People with this name-number tend to be leaders and take charge in various situations; their abilities include financial success as well as other accomplishments. Independent-minded, they make their decisions without any outside influence or interference.

Number 1-name numbers have traditionally been associated with creativity, artistic or musical expression in an exceptional manner. Such people can often lead the pack when it comes to seeing through their ideas; yet their direct style of expressing themselves may lead to hard feelings among close acquaintances.

The Battle of Amalinde took place between Ngqika and his uncle Ndlambe in October 1818 and has become legendary within Xhosa culture. This extraordinary battle lasted from midday until nightfall and marks an extraordinary battleground within South African Xhosa tradition.

For this was the first time Ndlambe had faced Ngqika head-on; various sources indicate that Ngqika then led his army towards Debe Valley which may explain its name as it seems like an amphitheater enclosed within by higher ground, thus possibly giving rise to Amalinde as this ladle-shaped hollow with high grounds all around encasing it from all directions enforcing high ground from all sides encasing it within its confines; making Amalinde an exceptional event which now known throughout Xhosa tradition!

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Mamlambo is an aquatic being associated with rivers, lakes, and waterfalls that has two gleaming green eyes that mesmerize those who encounter it. Also referred to as the “brain sucker”, its reputation has it sucking away brain tissue from those it kills as prey.

Villager have even claimed that Mamlambo drags victims underwater to drown before drilling a hole into their skulls and sucking out all their blood! Occasionally taking on forms similar to women.

The Mamlambo is an iconic South African and global figure that continues to capture people’s imaginations, even though many view it as a portent of disaster, appearing before natural disasters or tragedies such as shootings. Some even fear it is an evil being designed to lure them towards death with its beauty; other views regard it as providing protection and sustenance.


The Mpondomise are an ethnic group originating in South East Africa’s traditional Southern Nguni and Mbo lands, currently inhabiting Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal and Western Cape provinces as subdivisions of AbaMbo nation.

Oral tradition holds that AmaMpondomise are descended from King Mpondomise, who was born twin to King Njanya. Following Njanya’s death, his older twin Mpondomise left Great Place and established Mpondomise kingdom; later joined by followers as it expanded.

There has long been debate regarding which twin was senior. According to Mpondomise belief, Mpondo may have been considered as such due to his rights of skinning certain animals and having more power within their father’s kingdom.

Though these Mpondomise are slowly losing their identity, due to being exposed to Xhosa at school and required to select this language on government forms. They should protect their unique culture which should be safeguarded; additionally they have written a history book entitled “Siyembe Njanya KwiMpondomise Ngaphambili Njengokuba Kumqondwe”. This can be purchased.

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AmaBhaca once ruled lands from Mount Frere to Mzimkhulu and parts of Xopo, thus giving rise to last names with similar clan names like Mdimba, Ncaphayi and Diko that can still be found throughout these areas.

Chilembwe was a Baptist educator and political leader who organized an uprising against British colonial rule in Nyasaland (today Malawi). With Yao father and Mang’anja mother parents, Chilembwe represented two ethnic groups living exile from their homelands.

Mdlalose contends that individuals cannot choose where to train; their destiny has already been predetermined through dreams.

A spirit-possessed guide will take them wherever it leads; it could even lead them through caves, waterways or forests! Only when one accepts and surrenders to this call can they find relief from sickness; those who do not accept are doomed and cannot become isangomas.

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