Izithakazelo Zakwa Mwelase Clan Names History and Origin

Mwelase is the 64,406th most prevalent surname in South Africa and can also be found in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia and Malawi.

Clan names are an essential component of our heritage and often serve to identify family lines; you can find these names anywhere from family records to biblical scripture.

Mwelase Clan Names

Mwelase Clan Names

  1. Mwelase
  2. Gasa
  3. Ndabezitha
  4. Ndosi
  5. Mthiyane
  6. Zikode
  7. Ntombela
  8. Mpungose
  9. Khumalo
  10. Mafu


Nkwali are an Eastern Cape clan with numerous members that is located at its core in Port Alfred. Though its origin remains uncertain, its members have long existed since before the Khoikhoi and Zulu periods; also important to note is that Nkwali form part of Zulu nationalism.

The Nkwali people are well known for their strength and courage, living peacefully in rural areas. These individuals possess great work ethics as well as being extremely friendly with children that possess tremendous intelligence and talent – this makes for an attractive tribe! Most commonly found working within agriculture industries.

Historical records can provide a fascinating window into your Nkwali ancestry. They can provide insight into where and when your ancestors lived, their occupations, deaths or burial dates and names of relatives living at that time – including any details regarding lifestyle. You can search online databases as well as local archives to obtain data such as birth, death or immigration certificates as well as finding maps of where their hometown lies today.


Mapela is one of the largest of South Africa’s Mwelase clans and can be found northwest of Mokopane in Limpopo Province’s Waterberg district. Renowned for producing exceptional warriors and fighting other clans over territory and resources, Mapela’s culture and traditions are an integral part of Southern African society and culture.

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Mapela stands out among Mwelase clan sites by virtue of a number of distinguishing features, which make it stand out. Notable among them are its impressive prestige stone-walled terraces dating to 11th Century CE – two centuries earlier than those at Mapungubwe – along with elite solid dhaka floors associated with K2 pottery and glass beads; additionally there was evidence of class distinction and sacred leadership which were absent at Mapungubwe.

Gcina and Mapela were two mwelase clans who vied for power within early Zimbabwean kingdoms and throughout southern Africa, competing over land, resources and prestige. They fought each other during what became known as “War of the Two Kingdoms” but eventually joined forces to defend against white colonists. Both clans eventually joined British Empire by 1882; during this time both were engaged in various forms of guerilla warfare including raiding villages for food and weapons.


Gcina Mhlophe, an African folklore storyteller and performer, uses irony in her storytelling to illuminate the roles played by African oral culture’s women, memory and community life, storytelling’s relationship to memory as well as its place within contemporary culture, while drawing upon African oral traditions for her work spanning both local and universal culture. Ngcobo notes how Mhlophe uses irony in her stories about rural black women that show they are constrained by patriarchal structures preventing them from realizing their potential potential.

Mhlophe’s story “Nokulunga’s Wedding” highlights the sexism and poverty facing rural women. This tale illustrates both their oppression in traditional black society, as well as their powerlessness to change it; Mhlophe shows how women must accept status quo even though they long for change.

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Mhlophe is part of a larger movement to reclaim African oral traditions as integral aspects of African culture, though this shift has occurred more organically than through policy means. Yet it must be acknowledged that African art revival hasn’t yet found acceptance by mainstream South African society.


Mfene is an exceptionally peaceful and balanced individual with great leadership potential. They tend to be organized and efficient in their approach to life, often going above and beyond to assist others.

Furthermore, they’re good at expressing themselves and often have innovative ideas for new projects. People with this name tend to identify strongly with Violet – an inspiring color which provides structure and purpose to their life and those named Mfene should incorporate more Violet hues into their lives in order to gain greater insights into themselves and the world they inhabit.

Mfene also shares an affinity with the number 7, which symbolizes wisdom and strength. People born under this sign should strive to balance both work and personal lives in order to be more successful in both aspects of their life.

When it comes to love, these individuals prefer long-term partnerships over casual encounters because of their strong sense of responsibility, wanting to share all of their interests with their mate.

Mfene is an extremely common name that is found all around the world; however, its use is especially prevalent in South Africa where it ranks 141,088th most prevalent surname globally and shared by approximately one out of 2,306,185 people. This name tends to fit well with first names beginning with letters Y and J; it doesn’t fit as well with names beginning with U or K.

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