Izithakazelo zakwa Ngobe Clan Names History and Origin

According to popular belief, in order to understand your future it’s essential to gain an insight into your past. Clan names provide a gateway into understanding a tribe’s culture and history.

After interviewing an elderly member of the Ndobe family, Mrs Lugaju (or MakaMzingisi as she’s known in South Africa), who married into the Ndobe clan through traditional ritual ukuthwala, shared its history. She knows all its origins.

Ngobe Clan Names

Ngobe Clan Names

  1. Ngobe
  2. Mthembu
  3. Ntuli
  4. Ndlovu
  5. Zulu
  6. Mthethwa
  7. Gumede
  8. Mdluli
  9. Khumalo
  10. Mabaso


Ngwinjini is one of the Ndobe clan houses and it is believed they originate from bushmen. Hardworking individuals from this house traveled and settled throughout Transkei region such as Umzimkhulu, Mount Frere and Matatiela.

Unity was essential in this house – even distant cousins would visit one another whenever possible, attending each others weddings, Christmas gatherings and funeral services together.

Ndobe families believe it is crucial to honour their deceased family members with an umzaliso ceremony following their funerals, where the tombstone is unveiled to show that although he or she is no longer physically with us, they have not been forgotten. Furthermore, this family believes it essential for understanding where one comes from in order to know where one’s journey leads them.

Saveya hails from a Ndobe family living at Ngwinjini house and recounts that her forefathers were hard workers living in Matatiela, Mt Frere and Umzimkhulu.

Saveya has identified some rituals performed by these fore fathers such as Ukuthwala which involved abducting women by men for marriage – this practice still continues today as saveya believes this process has helped improve Ndobe family lives.

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The Ngabe tribe, an indigenous group located in western Panama, have long held resistance against colonization and government rule. Living within a semi-autonomous comarca area.

They claim they have been subjected to human rights abuses committed by government forces as well as accusations from community leaders that police killed community leaders or destroyed homes without just cause.

Clan names of the Ndobe are vitally important in their culture. A surname serves to identify an individual while their clan name provides more detail regarding their heritage and identity. Many families practice rituals as a means to honour traditions – this close knit clan takes great care to maintain its traditions.

The Ngabe are a religious and culturally sensitive people who revere ancestor spirits and welcome guests with open arms. Their religion, known as Mama Tada, incorporates traditional beliefs and values.

Religion has created a strong sense of family among the Ngabe, helping them fight for their rights and establish an autonomous region for themselves. Religion has also played an essential role in their success.

The Ngabe people also practice various traditional agricultural techniques that they have modified for modern circumstances, growing crops such as rice, beans, corn, yucca and other vegetables on Pacific slopes while raising chickens, pigs and cattle on mountaintops.


Ndobe had many sons and created many homes; one such house is known as Pungela. People from this house are said to be hardworking and always look out for each other, while also taking great care in looking after their animals – this makes keeping in touch essential among members of this household.

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The Ndobe clan holds rituals designed to foster unity and family bonds. Women in this clan celebrate their first period with a ceremony known as umgqababomvu; it serves as an important tradition that helps prepare women for marriage. Men also participate in similar sex rituals as part of this ceremony.

There are still a number of Ndobe rituals practiced today that help us better understand their culture. Though not every family follows exactly, most do follow original orders set forth by their fore fathers and adhere to them when possible.

The Ndobe clan takes great pride in upholding its traditions and culture; this strength has allowed it to thrive even during difficult times and survive challenging circumstances.


Ngobe clan names have deep-seated roots in African folktales. Their history can be traced back to South Africa during a troubled era known as the 1800’s for Ndobe people. Today, this hard working clan remains strong due to their unity, as well as strong links with Bushmen communities they reside within and the environment they inhabit.

Ndobe houses were dispersed throughout Transkei primarily in Umzimkulu, Matatiela, Kokstad and Swartberg.

To develop an accurate family tree one elder from each house was interviewed; Saveya Ndobe from Ngwinjini House was among them and provided insight into some of the historical events leading up to Ngobe clan names emerging.

Basimba culture requires all children to inherit their fathers clan name at birth; however, this rule does have exceptions; for instance a Basimba person who relocates but maintains contact with their original home becomes head of that settlement – this phenomenon is known as Ukuthwalwa.

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This process led to the Ngobe tribe developing 10 surnames. Additionally, each house in which Ngobes reside had its own totem used as their primary signifier – to distinguish itself from others and help maintain order within each household.

Housemates with similar totems should help each other out when grieving a loss, indebting debts and searching out those responsible for murdering a clan member.

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