Izithakazelo Zakwa Ngubo Clan Names History and Origin

Globalization has led to surnames spreading far beyond their country of origin, explaining why you can find people bearing the name Ngubo all around the world.

The Ngubo surname is most widely prevalent in South Africa; however, it can also be found elsewhere. This article will delve into its fascinating history and origin.

Ngubo Clan Names

Ngubo Clan Names

  1. Ngubo
  2. Khumbuza
  3. Mbhense
  4. Mvelase
  5. Mphemba
  6. Mashiza
  7. Gumede
  8. Mlotshwa
  9. Dlamini
  10. Ndaba
  11. Mbokodo
  12. Nyawose


The Zulu are a clan-based nation, and are extremely proud of them. This prideful attitude is known as izithakazelo in their native tongue; meaning “clan praises”. Unlike their cousins from South Africa’s Xhosa tribes, Zulus aren’t divided into tribes but rather clans.

Each family has their own specific clan name which often commemorates an event or past ruler’s memory or will. With so many clans making up one nation there exists unique cultures within its borders that span multiple cultures as Xhosas don’t exist – all part of one culture!

Zulu clan names serve both as surnames and methods of identifying people, with one clan being named after an animal like Nkabinde which means bull in Zulu. Ancestors from this clan loved hunting bulls together for food or clothing purposes – they believed eating from one plate is a sign of friendship under Ubuntu philosophy.

Nkosi et al (1994:120) reported that Zulu contains both nouns and adjectives, with most nouns and pronouns capable of being altered with an adjective, for instance Nkabinde (“bull”). An added adjective makes identifying people easier in crowds.


Ndzaba is one of the 208,831 most prevalent family names worldwide and most frequently seen in Swaziland; it also appears in South Africa and Zimbabwe with some frequency as well as being Africa’s 106,236th most frequent clan name.

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Clan names (isiduko) in isiXhosa culture carry more significance than surnames in identifying family members of one clan within another family, similar to Western family trees.

Clan names are passed from father to son and may contain elements of their family history, giving each member of society an identity within both family and society.

Clan names can be formed in many different ways. They could be taken from nouns, verbs or adjectives; for instance combining “idla” and “emini” results in Dlamini (eat midday).

Clan names (known in isiXhosa culture as isiduko) play an essential part of identity within isiXhosa culture and society, providing a sense of oneself within isiXhosa society as well as within their family iXhosa family unit.

Isiduko are commemorative names that serve to symbolize individualism within isiXhosa society while also acting as forms of honor among members. Additionally they act like family trees allowing people to find their roots more easily.


The Skhomo clan is one of the oldest and largest Nguni clans in South Africa. A powerful family, its membership spans the globe. A member of AbaMbo, its membership extends far and wide within South Africa itself and further.

A recent discovery shows that Ngubo people have lived in Southern Africa for over 35 000 years due to the region’s fertile soils and abundant wildlife; their descendants later built villages and towns which would become major cities within this timeframe.

The Skhomo clan is well known for their wealth, strength, and loyalty – three characteristics which define independence in South Africa.

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Proud of their roots as independent Africans themselves, members of this prominent clan have contributed immensely to South African development over many years. Recognized for intelligence, leadership skills, and commitment to service – the Skhomo is among one of the most revered clans on Africa!

Nkwali yeHlubi (Nkwali ebukhosini), the founder of Bhukula, became famous during Dlomo the Hlubi King’s rule as being born from whale’s belly; from this event came Bhukula and Maphela; their names being taken from Hlubi words for “cockroach”.


ooQhinebe are clans of southernmost Xhosa peoples, those closest to Gonaqua peoples. Their name comes from the Khoena word for lion (ooQhinebe or qhehlukwezhiye) which was the name of a great beast killed by herdsman named OoQunukweye.

These clans formed part of OoMafutshane – once an influential kingdom along the Limpopo River; during Tshawe’s rule, OoMafutshane comprised diverse clans that included San, Khoena and Bakoni clans among others.

This mixture can be seen in the names of many clans – ooMafutshane and ooQhinebe are two examples – as well as why many Xhosa clans include both an AmaSeKhoena name as well as their traditional one.

The study has also demonstrated that the Mbembesi’s Xhosa toponyms are mostly descriptive locatives, with many relating to clans among village residents or geophysical features of the area; others relate to clan chiefs.

Wth an exception being ooQhinebe, named after a legendary lion killed by ooQunukweye; however, due to it also being an ancestor name of Tshawe this may imply strong AmaSeKhoena connections; this fact is reinforced by being so close to an ooMafutshane clan.

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