Izithakazelo Zakwa Nkwali Clan Names History and Origin

Nkwali clan names provide essential insight into a community’s past and heritage. More than just tags or labels, clan names provide rich sources of social history; especially toponyms that define territory.

KoMkhulu means at Mkhulu’s Place. This name was bestowed upon it by its ancestors when they moved from Eastern Cape.

Nkwali Clan Names

Nkwali Clan Names (Izithakazelo):

The Nkwali clan, like other African clans, has a set of praise names (Izithakazelo) that are significant in preserving its heritage and honoring its ancestors.

  1. Malinga
  2. Sithole
  3. Mwelase
  4. Ngwane
  5. Ndlela kaSompisi
  6. Mngadi
  7. Mabhala


The Nkwali clan is one of South Africa’s largest and most influential clans. Its members are highly dedicated to their community, known for their rich culture, language and steadfast loyalty to clan and family.

Furthermore, skilled craftsmen from this clan can be found working across various industries such as woodworking, metalwork, carpentry and weaving; taking great pride in upholding traditional heritage.

The Nkwali are an inspiring people with a long, rich history spanning centuries. Resilient individuals, they have managed to survive many wars and hardships while earning recognition for their bravery in battle (notably during Boer War and Anglo-Zulu War ). An ideal model of what it means to persevere against all adversity!

Visits to Nkwali Clan Village provide visitors with an exciting and vibrant culture, history and traditions of Zulu culture as well as cuisine and art. There is even a replica of King Shaka’s Kraal to give an idea of his lifestyle.

Truly an immersive cultural experience not soon forgotten! Taking part in activities with locals and experiencing traditional activities offers an unforgettable cultural experience not soon forgotten!

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Emandluntsha is one of five original Gqunukhwebe clans found in Southern Africa: Sithathu, Sukwini, Giqwazi and Ngqandula – each representing their ancestral background as warriors living near rivers. Emandluntsha’s name refers to both aspects of its existence.

The Nkwali or Kheswa clans of Ndebele people are the oldest. Believed to have originated near where Pretoria now sits in South Africa, their origin is thought to lie in what is now Pretoria city proper.

Once widespread throughout Southern Africa and into Limpopo Region province Mpumalanga where they now mostly residing. These people are immensely proud and patriotic toward their nation and will fight hard for its protection at any cost while welcoming any visitor with open arms and great hospitality.

The Nkwali tribe in South Africa is widely-admired and revered, known for being both intelligent and hardworking with strong family values. They believe in treating everyone equally regardless of race or religion – thus making them immensely popular with South Africans as a whole.

Furthermore, their beautiful culture has been handed down from generation to generation over many generations.


The Mkhwanazi are an influential black family in South Africa. They own numerous businesses and serve as mentors to black entrepreneurs. Renowned for their selfless business practices and ethical integrity, the Mkhwanazi are considered mentors by their black entrepreneurs and believe in developing long-term relationships with foreign firms.

Active participants of the African National Congress and board members for several large companies, the Mkhwanazi are credited with creating one of South Africa’s first black empowerment companies as well as aiding trade between South Africa and US companies.

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Research was carried out through informal interviews with homestead elders to gain more information on the history and significance of clan names in Mkhwanazi homesteads. Findings were analysed using hermeneutics and mimesis theoretical approaches and identified some indirect references present in these clan names.

Mkhwanazi were an integral component of the traditional structure known as uMndeni wenkosi, an institution composed of immediate relatives of a monarch and those identified by traditional roles; each clan formed one differently. Mkhwanazi were aware that without notifying Hhohho and Nomathiya of their expressed wishes they would lose all status as members of their clan.


Traditional Nkwali were a clan of kings that ruled over Nkwandwe Kingdom during King Dlomo the Thembu’s time as Thembu King. They are best known for their hospitality and generosity towards visitors from other cultures; water was seen as their second home.

This can be seen through rituals such as “First Breath,” when newborn babies are placed directly into water upon birth and allowed to swim out independently – representing their transition to air as part of life cycle and an intimate reminder of natural world ties that they shared with nature.

The Nkwali people are widely revered for their music and dance, especially their drumming style which draws influence from Zulu people and other African tribes. Additionally, their beautiful songs often express themes of love and friendship.

Nkwali people are known for their vibrant culture and history. One of South Africa’s most influential clans, they have experienced both hardships and triumphs along their long history but remain resilient despite all. Proud of their heritage, Nkwali will celebrate it for generations to come – an integral component of African culture that makes them unique and beautiful.

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