Izithakazelo Zakwa Vilakati Clan Names History and Origin

Vilakati clan names are an integral part of Swazi culture and used in formal greetings, thank-yous and making requests among other things.

The clan name Vilakati originated in southern Swaziland. Legend tells that late Melika Vilakati of Jericho Church fame was visited in a dream by his ancestors who asked him to wash himself at an important dam nearby.

Vilakati Clan Names

Vilakati Clan Names

  1. Vilakati
  2. Swazi
  3. Dlamini
  4. Mdluli
  5. Mamba
  6. Ndlovu
  7. Khumalo
  8. Ntuli
  9. Mthembu
  10. Ngcobo
  11. Nxumalo
  12. Cele
  13. Shabalala
  14. Zungu
  15. Mkhize
  16. Majozi
  17. Hlongwane
  18. Zwane
  19. Sithole
  20. Masango

Vilakati Clan Origin

Historical records can provide an in-depth view into your family history, providing vital details like names and dates of birth, different addresses of residence, occupations held by family members, death and burial details, clan praises which form an integral part of Swati culture; Thwala (2018) states these praises depict surnames/clan names as well as heroes associated with them as well as clan totems.

Vilakati is an extremely prevalent surname that can be found globally, though its highest incidence can be found in Swaziland.

Vilakati Clan Meaning

Clan names in Swati culture carry with them more than just surnames; they carry significant history and symbolic meaning. A clan name represents its heritage and lineage and can be seen everywhere from formal greetings between relatives who know each other to thanksgivings, requests or seeking guidance from ancestors.

Thwala (2018:1) notes that Swati society enshrines an intricate clan system which plays an essential part of culture.

He elaborates by noting how all clan names and surnames have an associated clan praise which provides information about their history, including related surnames as well as heroes or totems associated with each.

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Swatis are descendants of Nguni-speaking clans who arrived in southern Africa during the fifteenth century and eventually settled in Eswatini. Due to this history, its citizens are known as bakaNgwane (“Ngwane’s people”).

Vilakati are one of the seventeen clans that comprised the Swazi nation. Each Swazi is associated with one specific clan as a form of identification; these clans give African people a sense of belonging that differentiates them from other ethnic groups around the globe.

Vilakati Clan Variations

Vilakati is an often-spelled Swazi name with many variations; some depend on spelling while others depend on language usage; it should be noted that Swazi is made up of multiple dialects.

Swazi clan names often consist of several variants due to variations in pronunciation and spelling in Swazi.

The Swazi people are descended from Nguni-speaking clans that traveled from north east Africa into southern Mozambique and Eswatini (then home to San people).

Since that time, various Nguni clans have intermarried and today the Swazis represent a diverse meta-ethnicity consisting of families that predominantly speak Nguni but may include Sotho, Tsonga or other South African ethnic groups as well.

Swazi culture places immense emphasis on family. A traditional Swazi hut would be built at the center of any farm to symbolize the importance of family.

It consisted of an elevated thatched structure covered by grass mat roof and served as a place where grandparents, children and even animals lived together under one roof.

Additionally, the hut was often utilized for social activities, including weddings (‘umtsimba’), negotiations of dowries, funeral ceremonies, and women sleeping with their grandchildren.

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Vilakati Clan Etymology

Clan names play an integral part of Swati culture. According to Thwala (2018:1), clan praises are used when greeting one another, thanking individuals, consulting ancestors or seeking permission to enter homesteads. Clan praises also depict family histories through related surnames, clan heroes and their totems.

Mamba clan name derives from an individual known as Mamba who played with clouds until they yielded and formed dark ones; as a result of his efforts, rain fell and raindrops formed; this brought abundant rainfall, fattening up animals and greening up vegetation.

Vilakati clan is among the 286,200 most prevalent surnames worldwide, most frequently found in Africa (with Swaziland being its center), particularly Southern Africa where first and surname usage are highest.

While not as widely utilized as Msinxi or Mthembu due to difficult pronunciation for non-Swati speakers and differing spelling, first known references of this surname date back as early as mid-17th century references.

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