Izithakazelo Zakwa Cele Clan Names History and Origin

Cele clan names are part of a system designed to preserve Zulu culture and heritage while serving as a means to identify individual’s ancestry.

Henry Cele was an internationally acclaimed South African footballer and actor, best known for playing King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the 1986 television miniseries Shaka Zulu as well as reprising this role for a 2-hour telemovie version in 2001.

Cele Clan Names

Cele Clan Names

  1. Cele
  2. Zulu
  3. Buthelezi
  4. Mthethwa
  5. Ndlovu
  6. Khumalo
  7. Ntuli
  8. Mthembu
  9. Ngcobo
  10. Nxumalo
  11. Dlamini
  12. Gumede
  13. Shabalala
  14. Zungu
  15. Mkhize
  16. Majozi
  17. Hlongwane
  18. Zwane
  19. Sithole
  20. Radebe

Cele Clan Origin

Cele is an ancient surname with deep historical roots associated with several clans in South Africa, dating back centuries and still used today by countless individuals and still considered one of the most popular surnames across South Africa. Unfortunately, its meaning and source remain unknown – however some speculate it comes from hlongo root meaning detect or find which may explain why such popularity exists among users today.

According to popular belief, Cecile may have come from French; her name being an abbreviation for Cecile from Latin origin. Cecile became popular during Europe’s Middle Ages.

There was once a time when people with the name Cele would not mingle, as it was considered illegal to date within their clan. As such, there was much tension among members of one clan as this caused many issues for all involved.

Still today, some Cele people adhere to tradition by not mixing with people of other clans and marrying someone from a different clan. A ritual must usually take place before entering into marriage with someone from another clan; however there can be exceptions due to connections or ties with another clan.

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Cele Clan Meaning

Cele is an ancient French name derived from Cecile. This diminutive has long been popular, including among royalty and military leaders alike, while also appearing in French literary works and poems demonstrating its presence within French culture and heritage.

Clan names are an integral component of Zulu culture, often passed down from generation to generation. Their origin can vary, from historical events or kings past to serving as a way to distinguish members within one family unit – they also serve to identify its members and distinguish members among families within Zulu society. Clan names often serve as sources of pride as individuals often adopt their clan name as surname while women often adopt that of their husband instead.

Contrarily, Xhosas are less proud of their clans and more likely to use them as family names than be proud of them as identities. Furthermore, it’s common for Xhosas to adopt clan names other than their family surname; for example someone named Xolani might take on Dlamini even though there’s no familial tie to this clan; making it hard to identify an Xhosa as related to Zulus by looking only at his or her name alone.

Cele Clan Pronunciation

South Africa is home to many cele clans, each one known for being prolific last names. Some areas have more Cele individuals than others: KwaZulu-Natal alone has over 102.346 Celers living within its province boundaries; other large presences exist in Gauteng and Eastern Cape provinces respectively – there’s even one of these clans living abroad in 60 other nations!

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Cele clan totem is the owl, and their animal spirit guide is the beetle. Both spirits provide insight into any issues the family might be having and provide ways to address these challenges more efficiently. Furthermore, having a beetle totem helps families stay on track and achieve their goals more successfully.

People belonging to the Cele Clan Totem should take extra caution in pronouncing their names correctly; incorrect pronunciation could have serious repercussions for their life and should consult with a sangoma so as to ensure accurate pronounciation of names.

Know the meaning, origin and pronunciation of your clan name to correctly identify yourself and your ancestors. By understanding your cele clan, you can gain more insight into their history – you could even search Geneanet to discover more!

Cele Clan Popularity

Parents often face many factors when selecting names for their newborn children, including social influences, family traditions, latest trends and timeless appeal. One such popular name is Cele. Since becoming popular as a first name in 2012, Cele has seen steady increases in usage; 16 out of every million babies were given it as their initial name in 2017.

Cecile was traditionally shorthand for Cecile (from Latin, Caecilius). Many notable people in history have used Cecile.

Clan names can help to distinguish individuals in a certain community or area from one another. Clan names may denote a place of origin or indicate membership within a tribe or clan – such as Dibra and Shkodra in Albania where these designations serve to indicate clan origin.

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Cele is an umbrella name with many variations: Celes, Celia, Cecilia and Celine are just a few examples. The name can be found in many languages such as French, Italian and Arabic; its usage dates back centuries and remains a popular option among women around the world and online gamers looking to form their own clans.

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