Izithakazelo Zakwa Mbonambi Clan Names History and Origin

The Mbonambi Clan can be found throughout Africa with most individuals living in South Africa.

Mbonambi is an African name which symbolizes realistic goals and expectations. Their lucky gemstone, aquamarine, promotes soothing and comforting energy within their community.

Mbonambi Clan Names

Mbonambi Clan Names

  1. Mbonambi
  2. Ndosi
  3. Mkhwanazi
  4. Gatsheni
  5. Vezi
  6. Nzuza
  7. Khuboni
  8. Mthethwa
  9. Shezi
  10. Qwabe

Zulu Clan Names

South Africans tend to identify with their clans and surnames. Clan names represent genuine African identities with strong personal, cultural, familial and historical connections – usually children take their father’s surname and become part of its clan; for Zulus this form an essential source of identification.

Clans are groups of people who share an ancestor, which explains their close ties. For instance, children from Cele clan are connected to both Mpondo clan and Nguni/Xhosa clan through this shared ancestor; similarly, Mpondo/Nguni clan members may share another common ancestor that links all three families.

Zulu culture practices inheritance by inheriting their deceased brother’s wife as an inheritance right, an action often frowned upon in other cultures as it can create complications between spouses.

But for Zulus this practice serves to maintain continuity by keeping bloodlines intact by keeping any chances of their late brother’s offspring marrying outsiders at bay.

The Zulu people are widely recognized for their deep history and profound pride in their heritage. Additionally, this community is known for their pragmatic adaptability – something especially evident through how quickly they have adopted technology which has contributed to rapid economic development of their province.

Xhosa Clan Names

Clan names (isiduko/iziduko) play an extremely vital role in Xhosa culture. Clan names serve as an essential way of identifying relatives and family members, superseding surnames altogether.

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Similar to Scottish clan system, each person can trace their history back to one or more male ancestors/stock. Praising or thanking someone by their clan name is considered the highest form of respect.

Nelson Mandela is affectionately known in SA by this title while women who marry usually retain their own clan names by adding Ma to it upon taking her husband’s surname while still keeping her own clan name by keeping both her own clan name but keep her own clan name after marriage.

When meeting new acquaintances it is considered polite to inquire as soon as possible after getting acquainted.

The Xhosa are composed of twelve major clans: Makhanya, Mafutshane, Mgxaki, Mqhagamshela and Mthembu; also Ngxongo and its subclans – Ngaphandle, Ntshikilana Nzomva Nyala and uVhentsele – that were the ruling houses at various points in Xhosa history.

Oral tradition states that the Makhanya clan originated when Tshawe usurped the chieftainship from Cirha in 18th Century after engaging in military clashes with Gcaleka who was rightful heir.

Tshawe then established his own house – Makhanya – which has remained dominant ever since. Additionally, Ngxaki clan emerged when Chief Nqamlinwe usurped Nqamlinwe-Mkhosi-Zuma chieftainship from his nephew Mkhosi Zuma in 17th Century.

Nguni Clan Names

Nguni clan names provide not only authentic African identities but also pay respect to one’s ancestors and give one a sense of pride in one’s heritage. Being identified with an Nguni clan also gives children their surname from their father – which in South African society often becomes their name when taking up employment with one.

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Clans that claim they were founded by chiefs may make such claims, yet such assertions often are founded in part on etymology and an attempt to be recognized by other villages as having come from chiefly lines; such claims would expect hospitality and formal recognition when visiting other villages, which led those compiling lists of Ngoni clan names to disprove such assertions.

An illustration of this would be the Jena clan, which claims to be descended from a Paramount Chief’s family; yet their claims cannot be supported by evidence. Their absence from lists compiled in Zululand and Swaziland suggests they did not belong to any tribe; even Bryant (1929)’s colorful account of them splitting apart south of Zambesi may well have been based on circumstantial information.

Mpondo Clan Names

Mpondo language clan names identify people’s ancestry or dynasty and cadet branch ancestors; for instance, Nkwali comes from the house of Ngaqa King; this house gave rise to Bukula and Maphela as descendants. Furthermore, various kingdom houses exist such as Ndimakude Great Palace located at Flagstaff and Nyandeni house at Libode.

Mpondo oral tradition states that the Mpondomise people are descended from Mpondomise, grandson of Sibiside who led AbaMbo nation (AbaMbo). Mpondomise clans are well-known Nguni groups which share lineage with AmaMpondomise, AmaXesibe, AbakwaMkhize and AmaBomvu clans.

Mpondo people are famous for their traditional dance which is performed both young and adult dancers to Maskandi music, known as imfene (baboon dance). A major cultural event held annually is The Mpondo Reed Dance held annually at Ntabankulu Great Place Palace of Jongilanga Sigcau as Jongilanga is their customary head.

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Mpondo Reed Dance and an annual Mpondo Culture and Heritage Festival are annual highlights in their community, both hosted by Dr Clarence Mini (son of Botha Sigcau), an anti-apartheid activist; and Nkosi Gquma Sigcau aka Bessie Sigcawu, daughter of Nkosi Botha Sigcawu who works as an ANC liberation activist. Additionally, numerous well-known musicians reside within Mpondo.

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