Izithakazelo Zakwa Manala Clan Names History and Origin

An individual’s surname provides insight into their past. This is particularly true among Africans, where clan praises (izithakazelo in isiZulu) may provide historical context about a family.

The Ngwane tribe can be found in modern day Bergville in KwaZulu-Natal and have an unusual tradition: when their King dies he isn’t buried but rather laid to rest in a nearby forest.

Manala Clan Names

Manala Clan Names (Izithakazelo)

  1. Manala
  2. Mathebula
  3. Mothata
  4. Mokobane
  5. Mahlako
  6. Mothapo
  7. Mokgoma
  8. Mabote


Africans are people of great history. One way they show it through their surnames is with clan praises – stories about where the name came from and its ancestors.

Magudulela clan names have deep ties to Ndebele culture. The Ndebele are an ethnic group from Nguniland in South Africa who later migrated throughout KwaZulu Natal, Swaziland, and Eastern Transvaal where their population can still be found today. There are two divisions within their tribe; Ndzundza and Manala.

Since the 1980s, efforts have been made to preserve their native Ndebele language which now is taught in schools. Historical records provide a fascinating look back into past events by providing details about peoples lives including birth records, death certificates and immigration data from historical collections that reveal more about your Magudulela family’s story.


Oral traditions based on praise poetry (imbongi) are rich with tales of heroic escapes from captors, battlefield tactics and treachery.

The Ndzundza were almost completely exterminated during the Mzilikazi wars but recovered under Mabhoko who revolutionised settlement patterns by building imprenetrable stone fortresses that became their capital city, Ko-Nomtjharhelo (Mapoch’s Caves).

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Over time the Ndzundza became a regional political and military force during middle 1800s.

Ndzundza were only allowed back into their land as part of South Africa’s Bantustan system during the early 1900s, and today reside near Cullinan and speak a pure form of Ndebele rather than mixing in elements from Nguni, Pedi and Afrikaans that many other Ndebele speak.

Ndzundza and Manala are well known for their captivating, poetic dances known as ukuthwala.

Accompanied by rhythmic drum beats, these dances mark special events such as weddings, funerals and births with great flair and beauty. Additionally, ukuthwala serves as a source of wisdom within Ndzundza culture by conveying important life lessons including family loyalty and unity.


Manala is an incredibly kind and attractive individual. They love spending time with friends and family, being extremely popular among peers of all ages, as well as excelling at making money and doing well in business.

Musi feared Ndzundza was plotting to seize control of his kingdom and issued warnings and sent him on hunts to keep him away from home. Ndzundza and his half brothers Thombeni and Skhosana had taken refuge at Masongololo near Cullinan in Masongololo where they battled each other over power.

Once back home he discovered that Ndzundza had moved east with Inamrhali. Magodongo and Gembe led two separate forces that inflicted heavy losses upon BoKoni capital city.

After Tjambowe had become blind suddenly and unexpectedly, his role on the throne should have passed to Magodongo’s son Tjambowe; however, due to being disqualified through this circumstance. An Imbizo was held and it was decided to make Mabhoko, one of Magodongo’s younger sons king instead.

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AmaNgwane are of great interest to many for many reasons, not only their history but also because their battle was the first open one between Nguni-speaking tribes and Europeans. LT Col Somerset reported their battle, and it has been preserved by Cape colony archives as an important piece of Nguni history.

Mkhumbeni led amaNgwane from uMfolozi omnyama up to Mbolompo in eastern Cale, fighting alongside his brother iNkosi Matiwane to overcome plans by iNkosi Zikhali to have him killed so as to ruin their legacy and their throne. He played an essential part in foiling this attempt at subjugation.

After their defeat at Mbolompo, amaNgwane fled into the Drakensberg Mountains before eventually settling what is now Zimbabwe. They maintain strong ties with this land; many still refer to themselves as Mzantsi in order to commemorate their roots and honor those who established this nation.


Swaziland and its people are commonly known as the amaSwazi, which translates to “people of Mswati.” Some individuals who call themselves amaSwazi also utilize Ngwane as a tribute to him as the founder of both nations.

The Ngwane are a Nguni-speaking group from Swaziland and South Africa who first settled in the Limpopo River region near their name’s source, prior to being joined by other Nguni groups such as Sotho and Xhosa in 15th century.

Swaziland was initially settled by Khoisan hunter-gatherers. Later, during the great Bantu migrations, most inhabitants became predominantly Nguni speakers; during these migrations their focus shifted from Eastern to Western regions of Eswatini.

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Artifacts dating back to early Stone Age have been discovered there. Modern Swazi people are descendants of Nguni-speaking hunters-gatherers and farmers; their commonality stemming from their allegiance to two monarchs who rule them simultaneously.

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