Izithakazelo Zakwa Ndebele Clan Names History and Origin

Ndebele clan names are rich with tradition. Women traditionally kept their clan names upon marriage while children took on their husband’s clan name upon taking his surname as their own.

Oral tradition holds that when Noqoli from the Mnguni family attempted to correct Manala and Ndzundza for fighting, they resolved their rivalry as brothers rather than stop it altogether.

Ndebele Clan Names

Ndebele Clan Names

  1. Ndebele
  2. Mabhena
    • Zikode kaMkhatshwa
    • Zikode kaNdabansele
  3. Khumalo
    • Gatsheni
    • Mzilikazi kaMashobane
  4. Hadebe
    • Dlodlo
    • Mbuyazwe
  5. Mazibuko
    • Nyathikazi
    • Khondlo
  6. Sibanda
    • Maduna
    • Mthimkhulu
  7. Ngwenya
    • Mahlangu
    • Mdolomba
  8. Mlotshwa
    • Mzizi
    • Mthimkhulu
  9. Msiza
    • Mwelase
    • Mphondwana
  10. Ndlela
    • KaSompisi
    • Mdluli

Ndebele Clan Origin

Ndebele clan names reflect both family history and culture. A key aspect of Ndebele culture is initiation; during this ritual a boy becomes an adult by joining one of five regiments with its own specific name; ceremonies for boys typically occur every four years or as soon as puberty hits in girls; these beautiful clan names reflect that aspect as well.

Musi, son of Mhlanga, was an outstanding military commander. After fighting and winning against the Ndzundza at eMhlangeni (Place of Black Rocks), he expanded Manala territory by including KwaMnyamana (also Known As “Place Of Black Rocks”) and eMaruleni (The Place Of Marula Trees).

He expanded his father’s territories southward to the confluence of Hennops River and Sesmylspruit. Following Buyambo’s death, he served as regent for Gembe; when Voortrekker settlers first came north of Vaal in late 1700s, many descendants settled near Schuinsdraai.

Ndebele Clan Meaning

According to Ndebele tradition, it was traditionally expected for the first born son of a ‘Great Wife’ to succeed his father as King. Unfortunately for Musi however, his vision had quickly declined from full sight to blindness so his first born son no longer held rightful claim on his throne and Magodongo instead took the reigns and immediately set about reinforcing Ndzundza borders while combating any growing Pedi threat in his territory.

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At Marblehall he founded eSikhunjini as his capital city, known for its strong defenses and abundant agricultural lands.

Modern times Mabena is an increasingly prevalent surname found throughout Africa. Most prevalent is Zimbabwe where it accounts for one out of every 1,551 residents; other locations where Mabena can be found include South Africa and England. Though its spelling has undergone some variations over time, Mabena remains one of the most well-known Ndebele clan names today.

Ndebele Clan Variations

The Ndebele tribe is vast and can be divided up into various clans with differing names. Based in KwaZulu-Natal province, their ancestors likely originated as part of Hlubi tribe until parting ways under Mafana chieftainship; some headed north whilst others went south via Basotoland.

Ndebele culture places great significance on an initiation rite that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood, with all family members joining together to commemorate it. Boys typically receive their regimental name during initiation; this often marks their first time being given one on their own.

Boys typically undergo inititation every four years while girls as soon as they reach puberty stage. Their regimental names are determined by the clans of their ancestors, making it a unique feature of Ndebele culture. Mabhena is more prevalent than ever across Africa and South Bantu Africa with most common areas being Zimbabwe, Southern Africa and South Bantu Africa.

Ndebele Clan Etymology

Mabena is an abbreviation of “babe”, meaning little one. Originating in Africa and now widespread throughout the globe, this clan name is well known for its hospitality as well as quality livestock and produce production.

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Ndebele tradition dictates that the first-born son of a “Great Wife” should inherit the throne. Musi’s great wife bore two more children before giving birth to Manala who became his heir apparent and so assumed the throne of Ndebele.

Mrhabuli decided to avenge Dzela’s death by splitting the Ndzundza force into three armies under Magodongo, his young brother Gembe and himself as commanders; they attacked BoKoni capital from multiple directions inflicting heavy losses upon their enemy forces.

Mdibane, son of Mabhena I and Silamba respectively, took power as King Manala in 1840 with an empire stretching from south Gauteng down to Loskop Dam Middleburg area, including KwaMnyamana (The Place of Black Rocks) and eMaruleni (The Place of Marula Trees).

But during Silamba’s rule Manala territories south of KwaMnyamana had become overrun with Lucas Cornelius Bronkhorst Trek Party settlers led by Lucas Cornelius Bronkhorst who held onto power until 1842 when Silamba took control.

Ndebele Clan Pronunciation

Mabena family names can often appear with different spellings and pronunciations, making it hard to pinpoint its original form. But historical records can provide valuable insights into its past origins that provide potential leads for uncovering its true nature.

After Sibindi died, his Manala throne passed to Mvula who would rule for only one year before being assassinated by Mzilikazi raiding parties. Mgibe eventually took control and expanded upon KwaMnyamana (Place of Black Rocks) into KwaMbilaneni (KoNonduna) and other settlements along the coast including eMaruleni (Marula), eZotshaneni (eZotshaneni), KoNonduna and eMbilaneni.

He expanded Ndebele territory further by establishing two settlements to the north of Wonderboomkop on both sides of Apies River: one was known as eMnyamana and the other as eMaruleni due to their abundance of marula fruit trees; it was believed that eating from either site could not lead to poisoning, due to presence of spirit Jonono who protected people from any negative side effects from eating its fruit.

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