Izithakazelo Zakwa Moloi Clan Names History and Origin

Kgosi Sekonyela of the Batlokwa tribe has become a source of tension between himself and the British Government as he attempts to reclaim land taken away during Anglo-Boer war. Even going so far as visiting Britain in his attempts.

Basotho history contains numerous examples of clan fission and disagreement over kingship ascendancy leading to sections of clans splitting off with their own leader, often known as a “moloi,” often leading them in separate directions.

Moloi Clan Names

Moloi Clan Names

  1. Moloi
  2. Mokgatla
  3. Mphuthi
  4. Rakgotla
  5. Rakgomo
  6. Mokone
  7. Kgorong
  8. Tlhako
  9. Tsotetsi
  10. Mokoena

Moloi Clan Origin

Moloi clan names have existed for centuries and play an essential role in maintaining Tswana culture and heritage. They identify people’s ancestry while often signifying that those bearing one come from royal linesage.

The Kgetsi/Khetsi Moloi (Lekholokoe) family lineage can be traced back to Chief Jonono of Ndebele who resided with his people near Ladysmith in Bhaca and Hlubi lands, near modern day Ladysmith.

From there his descendants moved northwards, eventually settling at eLundini near Ladysmith before eventually migrating further north up towards Kruger National Park before finally moving south through Gauteng province.

Discovering more about moloi history and origin is possible through historical records, such as birth/death certificates, family trees, occupation data, etc.

As the world becomes more globalized, surnames become spread out across various countries and continents depending on population density in each nation – though some might be more prominent than others depending on local conditions.

Moloi Clan Meaning

Moloi ranks 7,060th worldwide and ranks 152,528th on Africa, where it’s most prevalent in South Africa where it accounts for 2.1% of population.

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Molois are descended from South Africa’s Kholokoe/Makholokoe tribe, located primarily in Free State and Natal provinces; you’ll find their presence in towns such as Harrismith, Thaba Kholokoe, Wetsieshoek and Pietermaritzburg.

Tradition dictated that marriages between individuals from various clans were forbidden to ensure that each new family maintained its identity and culture.

As time passed, however, marriage between people of differing clan names gradually became less restrictive and eventually led to the creation of a system of clan names for both children and adults.

Each child received their own regimental name upon becoming initiated into one particular clan (iintanga), distributed randomly over 15 cycles once they reached puberty age for boys while their initiation ceremony occurred once girls reached puberty.

Moloi Clan Variations

Moloi family names have many variations throughout history. One notable story involves two brothers fighting over the throne in Ndebele tradition; traditionally, the firstborn son of Sibindi’s Great Wife should inherit her seat.

This did not sit well with Sibindi’s second wife who wanted Ndzundza as an heir instead. Thus began a bitter feud between these brothers who eventually took on two separate clan names each: Moloi (Wizard) for one, while Kwena became more commonly used amongst them both.

Remains from the elder house are known as the Kholokoe Tribe, and claim lineage to Ba-Hurutshe clan.

Clan names form tribes and nations are composed of clans. Due to globalization, it’s likely that you could find the Moloi clan name anywhere around the globe. Discover your family tree by connecting with Geni, the World’s Largest Family Network.

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Discovering relatives while building your genealogy with historical records and photos; discovering more about your ancestors such as birth dates, addresses, occupations and more than ever!

Moloi Clan Etymology

Moloi derives its roots from an era when there was intense competition between brothers for control of a kingdom, where one brother attempted to usurp another by poisoning them.

This attempt failed as his younger sibling was protected by powerful magic that kept poison from harming him. Out of respect for this feat of resistance against his brother’s attempt, his younger sibling adopted his sibling’s surname moloi (“magic”) as an honorific.

This word can also be used as an insult towards those who practice evil magic, often used to scare children by Bamangwato mothers. Additionally, it refers to wizards or sorcerers in traditional Basuto society.

Traditional marriage was conducted between people of different clans; to prevent Moloi magic being invoked. With globalization’s proliferation however, couples with identical surnames such as Moloi and Matholela are becoming increasingly common.

Moloi Clan Usage

Moloi is an extremely common South African surname and ranks 7th most commonly found worldwide. This could be partly attributed to it being part of Kholokoe tribe lore; hence its global popularity.

Kholokoe tribe is one of the most prominent in South Africa and Kgosi Lehasa II Matholela Moloi is currently reigning as King and 6th monarch since Sebobane son of Selotolotsa of Polane founded his royal house.

Historely, Kholokoe lived near Seratoe and Standerton. They established various tribal settlements such as KwaMnyamana (The Place of Black Rocks) and eMaruleni(The Place of Marula Trees).

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Clan names aren’t simply used as surnames; they also serve to preserve and pass down culture and heritage among Tswana people. Clan names help identify who belongs to which family and are passed from generation to generation – providing an easy way for us to understand family histories!

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