Izithakazelo zakwa Shongwe Clan Names History and Origin

Globalization has led to the proliferation of surnames; one such name being Shongwe – one which occurs more commonly than any other country or territory. South Africa stands out among nations or territories as having more instances than any other of this surname.

Current Swazis can trace their heritage back to Nguni-speaking clans that migrated from northern East Africa through Mozambique into Eswatini during the fifteenth century. They intermarried with Sotho and San clan groups.

Shongwe Clan Names

Shongwe Clan Names and Praises

  • Shongwe!
  • Mngomezulu!
  • Nina bakwaNdlondlo kaSimangaye!
  • Nina bakaMatshabana!
  • Nina bakaMhlahlandlela owahlahl’ izwe ngezinyawo!
  • Nina bakaGasa elikhulu!
  • Nina bakaDonda omkhulu owadonda insimbi yaze yaphenduka intambo.
  • AbakwaMalandela owalandela izinkomo zamadoda.
  • Nina abathi kungaphel’ umkhonto kuphele nezinsizwa.
  • Nina abakhawulel’ izulu kunabantu!
  • Nina bakwaMdubusi waseZihlalo ezimhlophe.


Matsafeni’s legendary forebear was Matsafeni Mdluli, who led an insurrection against the Swazi kingdom during the 19th century and established an independent kingdom along the Ngwenya (Crocodile) River in Northern Swaziland that included farms known as Riverside Woodhouse Dingwell and Marathon.

Nearly seven years ago, the Rural Development and Land Reform Department transferred 6 000 hectares of farmland worth R62 million to Matsafeni Community Trust following successful land restitution claims against former owner HL Hall & Sons. This property included Mbombela Stadium’s property.

Sithole Shongwe, however, alleges that trustees have made unilateral decisions without consulting beneficiaries. Last week, Mpumalanga agriculture minister Dina Pule held an impromptu meeting of handpicked Matsafeni leaders at an Nelspruit restaurant without inviting Spoor or any of his colleagues who represent this community.


The Mdluli tribe originated from Northern sutu before migrating down into uBombo Mountains. They are well known for their remarkable organisational skills and focus, as well as being very humble; never afraid to overcome challenges that come their way.

See Also  Izithakazelo Zakwa Gamede Clan Names History and Origin

They are known for their unity, evidenced when the second group did not attack the first despite failing to report back on time.

Mdluli community members have recently launched a lodge with the goal of sustainably developing their infrastructure and lives – including community development, wildlife conservation/preservation/preserve design/ecological design – within their environmental footprint. Since its opening, this venture has already brought numerous positive changes for Mdluli people as financial and social benefits from its daily running are realized; tourism serves as an effective tool to uplift this community.


Matsamo was present, along with Kumamatyela mkhulu laShongwe emva kwisiqwalaselwe ngaphambili and Isithuba Kufuneka Sikuma Kutsalwa Uqinisekisos.

He encouraged learners to strive for better results in their matric exams in 2017. Teachers should view learners as individuals requiring education rather than numbers that need to be educated.

At Tikhuni Primary School, Mr Nkosi spoke at a community meeting organised by its circuit manager. Parents and community members attended this event.


The Shongwe clan is an established Nguni-speaking people of predominantly Swazi and Zulu origin who speak Nguni as their first language. Found mostly in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and South Africa, members with the surname Shongwe may also go by different variations such as Xhongweh.

Emmanuel Shongwe is widely known as King EM Shongwe and leads 11 chiefdoms within Mpumalanga Province. Emmanuel is highly esteemed among his people, earning them much respect and love from them all.

Matsamo Cultural Village provides visitors with an immersive experience of Swazi culture. Visitors can witness centuries-old folk songs and dance performances as well as enjoy traditional cuisine in rooms designed like traditional kraals. Stay overnight to get an authentic experience!

See Also  Izithakazelo Zakwa Tshabalala Clan Names History and Origin


Magubha is a surname and may also be used as a first name, ranking 2,276,746th worldwide out of 20 people who share it worldwide. Primarily located in Africa with particularly strong usage in Southern Africa.

Since July 18, thousands of pupils from Driekoppies Combined, Bukhosibetfu Inclusive, Magubha Primary and Joseph Matsebula schools have been boycotting school due to its inadequate infrastructure at Magubha Primary. According to them, its outdated buildings pose serious danger and threaten their lives.

Parents have also reported that the teacher-pupil ratio is too high, making it hard for educators to monitor or teach the children. Educators have warned this could lead to lower academic performance and disengagement from school; The Department of Education has confirmed they are investigating this matter.

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